Mastering Basic Question Words and Phrases in Korean

Continuing our Korean language journey, we now delve into the realm of asking questions. 

basic korean words and phrases

In this article, we will explore basic question words and phrases that will enable you to inquire effectively in Korean.


Section 1: Common Question Words

Let's begin by familiarizing ourselves with some commonly used question words in Korean:

  •  누구 (nugu) - who
  •  무엇/뭐 (mueot/mwo) - what
  •  어디 (eodi) - where
  •  언제 (eonje) - when
  •  왜 (wae) - why
  •  어떻게 (eotteoke) - how
  •  얼마나 (eolmana) - how much/how many


Section 2: Question Phrases

In addition to question words, there are also useful question phrases in Korean. 

Here are some examples:

  •  은/는 무엇입니까? (eun/neun mueot-imnikka?) - What is it?
  •  어디에 가십니까? (eodi-e gasimnikka?) - Where are you going?
  •  언제부터 한국에 왔습니까? (eonje-buteo hanguge-e wasseubnikka?) - When did you come to Korea?
  •  왜 한국어를 배우십니까? (wae hangugeoreul baeobseubnikka?) - Why are you learning Korean?
  •  어떻게 가면 됩니까? (eotteoke gamyeon doemnikka?) - How do I get there?
  •  얼마나 걸립니까? (eolmana geollimnikka?) - How long does it take?


Section 3: Asking and Answering Questions

To ask a question in Korean, simply add the question word or phrase to the end of the sentence. 

For example, to ask "Who are you?" you would say "누구세요?" (nugu-seyo?).


When answering a question, provide the relevant information being asked for. 

For instance, if someone asks "Where are you from?" respond with your hometown or country of origin.


Section 4: Tips for Asking Questions

Consider these helpful tips when asking questions in Korean:

  • Ensure you use the appropriate question word or phrase based on the type of question you are asking.
  • Employ polite language when addressing individuals you are not familiar with.
  •  Speak slowly and clearly to ensure your question is understood.


Section 5: Practice

Practice is key to mastering the art of asking questions in Korean. 

Here are some exercises to assist you:

  •  Create a list of common questions in Korean.
  •  Practice asking and answering these questions with a friend or family member.
  •  Utilize online resources and language-learning apps for question practice.


Section 6: Conclusion

Asking questions in Korean is a vital skill for effective communication in the language. 

By following the tips provided in this blog post, you can enhance your learning experience and confidently inquire in Korean.